The 3 Steps: Your future concept for sustainable success

Companies of all sizes and at all stages of life regularly think about their future. How well is the company really doing? Are there any blind spots? What do future trends mean? What opportunities can you capitalise on, what challenges will you have to overcome?

You are looking for someone who will approach the topic with you as equals. Someone who takes a professional view of the company from the outside. Someone whose experience will shine a light into unlit corners - me!

With these 3 steps, we ensure that your future is successful and sustainable

Step 01


After our first meeting to get to know each other, we organise a workshop in which we work out in detail where you need to delve deeper, where blind spots might lie, where other weaknesses and challenges lie, but also opportunities. You will have a clear overview of the next steps.

Step 02


Based on the topics that we developed together in the first step, the internal data is now collated. The aim here is to work honestly and completely. I will support you with checklists and discussions. At the end of this step, we will be ready for your future!

Step 03

Future Concept

In this step, we bring together your data and my experience of environmental factors, competition, trends and innovations. From this, we develop your successful future concept with the corresponding culture and structure

Who I am addressing: Family businesses on course for the future

In the dynamic landscape of the business world, every organisation faces unique challenges. I offer you individual consulting solutions to master your specific challenges and make your organisation fit for the future

Growth partners for startups

Start-ups are faced with the challenge of scaling quickly without losing their innovative power and agility. Establishing efficient processes and structures without hampering creativity is crucial.

My support

I help start-ups create a solid basis for sustainable growth by combining strategic planning with flexibility. From optimizing internal processes to developing a strong team, I am here to help you make your vision a reality.

Accompaniment of mergers

Mergers involve harmoniously combining different corporate cultures, systems and processes. The biggest challenge is creating synergies and increasing efficiency in the process.

My support

I help merged companies develop a joint vision and successfully implement it. By analyzing and integrating best practices from both sides, together we foster a culture of collaboration and efficiency.

Expansion partner for new business areas

Opening up new business areas requires a clear strategy and the ability to adapt to new markets. Risk management and innovation go hand in hand to ensure success.

My support

I support companies strategically and operationally in opening up new business areas. From market analysis to concept development to implementation, I provide the necessary tools and insights for a successful start.

Support for increasing efficiency

SMEs are often faced with the task of maintaining their competitiveness and driving innovation forward at the same time. Adapting to rapidly changing market requirements is essential.

My support

I specifically address the challenges of medium-sized companies in designing their successful sustainable future. In addition, I focus on increasing efficiency and reducing operating costs by optimising processes and structures. My goal is to help SMEs improve their operational performance while becoming a future-proof organisation.

My solution with a human focus

Tapping into undiscovered pools within the company and successfully utilising them for the future

Every company has hidden talents and unused capacities just waiting to be discovered and activated. I help you identify and make full use of these internal resources. By promoting diversity and inclusion, we create a working environment in which diversity is lived and used as a strength.

  • In-depth analyses to identify internal talent

  • Development programs to promote employee skills

  • Measures to increase internal mobility and flexibility

  • Strategies to promote an inclusive corporate culture

  • Workshops and training courses to anchor diversity as a corporate value

Evaluation of the company structure

The structure of your company is the foundation for effective work processes and long-term success. I help you critically evaluate and redesign your company, division and team structures to create an agile and sustainable organisation.

  • Evaluation and redesign of organizational structures for optimal performance

  • Analysis and adjustment of business areas to current market conditions

  • Development of team structures that promote collaboration and efficiency

  • Implement change management processes to support the transition

  • Design of tailored structures that support innovation and strategic growth

My consulting services

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The popularity of this model is growing every year, the SaaS market is developing.

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  • Today & Planning View
  • Checklist templates
  • Calendar integration


The popularity of this model is growing every year, the SaaS market is developing.

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  • Dedicated support
  • Browser extension
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The popularity of this model is growing every year, the SaaS market is developing.

From $
  • Unlimited members
  • Today & Planning View
  • Dedicated support
  • Calendar integration