With our modular strategy consulting, we ensure that your journey into the future is on solid ground. This flexible form of advice is particularly suitable if you want individual support. Together, we define exactly where you are on the journey from strategy development to successful implementation and what the next steps should look like. The modules you have selected are then combined into a complete package, which is transparently and clearly calculated through to implementation.

Possible modules can be:

  • Workshops to define the strategy
  • Strategy review workshops
  • Workshops for detailed implementation planning
  • Executive education
  • Individual coaching
  • Sparring partnership
  • Change communication planning
  • Change journey management
  • Interim Management
  • Workshops to embed the new processes
  • Workshops to define the new culture

This is just a first overview of possible modules. The calculation of the entire package is based on hourly rates. Whether through personal conversations or joint virtual work sessions, we flexibly adapt our interactions to the needs and preferences of your company. Modular strategy consulting is your companion for sustainable and agile change.

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