Have you ever wondered how motivated you are at work? And what is the situation with your colleagues? According to a recent study by auditing and consulting firm EY, it could only be just over half. What does that mean for companies? And how can work motivation be increased in the long term? This blog post questions the results of the “Work Reimagined” study and gives tips on how companies with more motivated employees can be more successful.
According to the EY study, only 48 percent of employees in Germany say they do their best at work. This figure is well below the international average of 54 percent and far behind emerging economies such as India (67 percent) and China (59 percent). Particularly noticeable: The elderly seem to be more motivated. 63 percent of the so-called baby boomers — i.e. the 60 year olds and older— are particularly motivated. Among Generation Z (Gen Z), i.e. those aged up to 29, the proportion of highly motivated people is only 43 percent.
At first glance, this appears to be grist on the mill of those who are creating a “generational conflict.” But is it really that easy?
A study carried out by sociologist Martin Schröder around two years ago offers an interesting perspective. His conclusion: It falls short to measure attitudes towards work based solely on the year of birth — i.e. by the so-called generational effect. Factors such as age and historical context play an equally important role. Prof. Rump also recently confirmed this in a presentation at the BVMW in Düsseldorf.
Schröder shows that priorities change over the decades. In the past, the maxim for many was “live to work.” Today, the focus is more on meaning and work-life balance. However, this shift is not only generational, but also reflects developments in society as a whole. And that's exactly what I've been trying to explain for several years: Your own life plan changes over the course of this life...
This is also reflected in another aspect: While gainful employment is becoming increasingly important in Germany, it is still regarded as a key success factor in emerging countries such as India or China. The figures collected by EY are therefore higher in these countries than ours. Again, this is not really surprising, because once you have overcome the threshold, your need for financial security is satisfied. Other elements, such as work-life balance and the meaningfulness of work, then play a more important role.
A simple categorization by generation falls short. Instead, companies should address the individual strengths and needs of their employees. Here are a few ways to achieve this:
Instead of making general assumptions over generations, companies should specifically address personal motivators. Some employees appreciate flexibility, others appreciate clear career prospects.
The desire to create meaning is cross-generational. Projects with added social value or clear corporate values can strengthen employees' identification with their work.
Identifying the individual strengths of employees and using them in a targeted manner not only increases motivation, but also leads to better results.
An open feedback culture and genuine recognition of achievements can work wonders — across all age groups.
If all of these elements are considered and taken into account, there is a high probability that not only will the motivation of employees be increased, but that the company will also be able to exploit previously untapped potential. Because declining motivation is often also based on a task that is not entirely focused on strengths.
My experience is that it is not about pitting generations against each other, but about creating a working environment in which each individual can develop and do their best. After all, motivated employees are the key to corporate success — regardless of their year of birth.
Your opinion is needed: How motivated are you at work right now? What would motivate you personally to get even more out of yourself? I'm looking forward to your answers!